Peter started to work for Crosby Intruder Alarms in the late eighties and in the time since then, he became an integral part of our operation.
Over that period became much more than simply a work colleague, he became a trusted and valued friend that both Ann and I had complete trust in. So much so that we were happy to leave him to run the business during holidays etc. We argued on a number of occasions because he was forthright with his comments and was not scared to disagree if he thought that we were wrong, a trait that I really appreciated at times, but it was always in the best interests of the company.
Peter had an exceptional memory and all you had to do was mention a client’s name and he could give you virtually every detail about the installation, panel type, detector locations and even an approximate date that the system was installed. His technical knowledge was second to none and what he didn’t know, he found out about.
He had a wicked sense of humour and we often were on the receiving end of his jokes, but in all honesty, he could take a joke as well. I remember a conversation that I had with one long standing customer who said that they missed Peter coming in to see them because he “gave them hell” and the conversation was finished by her saying “and we gave it him back”. We all miss that as well.
Typically, when he was diagnosed with cancer he said that he was going to fight it and he certainly did. He re-organised his life and did the things that he wanted to do, culminating in a session gliding, towards the end of last year. He said that it was fantastic and didn’t know how he could top that. I suggested a parachute jump, but he said that it wasn’t exciting enough, so I said that if he wanted excitement, he should let me pack the chute, he declined my offer!
We all regularly went out for meals (see photos) and Peter was always the life and soul of the party, even though he was obviously in a great deal of pain.
Peter was a foundation stone of our company in every sense of the word and our company could not have developed in the way we have without his input, drive and devotion to us and our clients, we all miss him deeply.