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Home Automation

Home Automation

Home Automation – An Introduction

Intelligent Living will be known as “Home Automation” to many people. This is the ability for a number of systems around the property to interact with each other making life easier. These can be lighting systems, heating systems, security systems, CCTV, access control, automatic gates and audio visual systems. What we mean by this can vary greatly, but lets look at home security to start with.

System Integration

The Intruder Alarm Control Panels that we use can integrate with Control4 Home Automation. By integrating the two systems it allows you to control your Intruder Alarm System from the Home Automation Systems Touch Screen although we will also install a dedicated Intruder Alarm Keypad in case of system failure.

We can also integrate our CCTV Systems into Control4 as well.

Whilst we ourselves are not installers of Control4 (we install Alexa basic systems) we work alongside a number of Home Automation Companies who specialise in Control4 and can offer you a full package including Home Automation, CCTV, Security & Fire Solutions.


Disabled Living

Intelligent Living systems are not just fitted to multi-million pound houses, there is a big market in aids for the disabled. Take someone who is confined to a wheel-chair. They want to close the curtains when it starts to go dark, but have to rely on a neighbour to come in. We can install a system that with one simple button push on a remote control or by a simple voice command, will close all the curtains in the house and put lights on in the rooms that need to be illuminated.

Mood Lighting

Many large domestic and some commercial properties have “mood lighting” installations fitted. These allow combinations of lights and colours to be varied to allow different moods to be set up in a room. So for reading you would have bright lighting, watching TV a reduced subdued light and for that romantic meal maybe a low, coloured light; any combination of intensity and colour is possible.

The All In One Remote Control

Remote controls for TV’s, Sky boxes, DVD players, Hi-Fi systems have always been a pain! There’s so many that you loose them, forget what each button does or even forget which remote controls which piece of equipment. Our systems can include one single remote control that can be programmed to operate not only all of the above audio visual equipment, but can also control the home automation system and hence the heating, security, cctv, lighting; everything, you can even now do this from your voice! The beauty of using a system such as this means that because we programme the remote, what would normally take many button pushes to say switch the TV on, switch the Sky box on, select the correct AV input on the TV and set up the video to record from the Sky box all this can be achieved by one press of a single button on the remote control unit or by one simple voice command.

Living Abroad?

Got a property abroad? How good would it be to know what is happening whilst you are not there? We can install security and CCTV systems that will send you a push notification if anything goes wrong. Or you are planning to visit your holiday home. Its winter, so although its warmer than here, there still may be a chill in the air. The problem can be solved by loading an app on your smart phone communicating with the intelligent living system and switch the heating on from the airport, so its nice and warm when you arrive. (The air conditioning can be controlled in the same way).


When you are at your property abroad, you could also monitor your property in the UK in the same way, giving total peace of mind. We have a solution to virtually any question that you can ask about home automation/intelligent living.

Amazon Alexa

By using Alexa it is important that your WiFi signal is strong throughout the house and you have a good quality Broadband Connection. We can also install WiFi for you as we specialise in Ubiquiti Access Points and can also limit bandwidth to give the Home Automation priority over the network to prevent lagging.

By using Alexa along with devices from Sonoff we can allow you to control your lights, heaters, table lamps, televisions and more by using your voice or an app on your smartphone. We can also create various scenes so you can say for instance “Alexa movie time”, this could then turn off your bright lights, turn on low level lighting and turn on your TV all from one command.

By strategically placing  Amazon Echo Dots or other Alexa Enabled devices at key locations in your property we can ensure that you can control the system with your voice from all rooms around your house.

We can also install a smart thermostat to control your heating giving you full control from your Smart Phone and Voice.

Please enquire for a FREE no obligation quotation for any of our Home Automation Systems.


Talk to the family friendly business with expertise in the industry dating back to 1984

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